The Major Benefits of Podcasting

There are 21.2 million+ podcast listeners in UK (that's 31.3% of the population)

If your business doesn't have a podcast - you're not reaching millions of potential clients & customers...

But that's not all.

Here are 4 more reasons why your business needs a podcast in 2024 and beyond:

Moral of the story:

Start creating your podcast ASAP!

The good news is:

Starting a podcast doesn't need to be difficult or time-consuming.

We'll save you time and stress by producing your podcast for you...

  • From creating your podcast name

  • to recording your podcast's audio & video

  • to getting your podcast in front of listeners

We'll do it all so you don't have to!

But, that's not all:

98% of the 179+ podcasts we've launched have hit the top 100 Apple podcast charts - and the best part is...

We can do the same for you!

We'll use our experience and skills to handle all the boring, difficult podcasting stuff you don't have time for.

Focus on the fun of creating content your audience loves and leave the rest to us - all you have to do is click the link in our bio to learn more!

Your podcast builds your brand, authority and credibility in your industry.

Here's why:

Podcasts are long-form content that gives you the time and opportunity to showcase your expertise and knowledge.

Sharing your knowledge, advice, experience and stories makes listeners trust you.

Building trust with your listeners leads to more conversions and sales because customers buy from people they know, like and trust.

The long-form format of a podcast gives you the time you need to dive deeper into topics in your niche and showcase your expertise in your industry.

Sharing industry insights and interviewing people in your niche is another great way to strengthen your brand and enhance your authority.

Podcasting gives listeners a glimpse into your personality, your mannerisms and they get to hear your voice - this leads to them liking you and feeling more connected to you.

The raw nature of podcasting forces you to think on your feet and share your thoughts in real-time - this proves your expertise in your niche because it's clear you know what you're talking about. Unlike with a blog post where you can copy and paste information from somewhere else - or a video which is usually heavily edited.

In short:

Want people to trust, like and buy from you?

Start a podcast!

Podcast listeners are loyal, smart and they actually buy stuff

Average podcast listeners are lower middle class to upper middles class - this means they have money to spend on your products and services.

Good news, right?

In the UK - podcasts reach 19% of adults weekly, with 27% of those being 25-34-year-olds.

The majority of listeners are male - but not by much:

The demographics of podcast listeners are 58% male and 42% female.

93% of podcast listeners in the UK listen alone and consume at least 70% of the episodes they download. If you've published any kind of content online - you'll know that an 70%+ retention rate is amazing.

This also means that podcast listeners are listening through ads and promotions instead of the usual drop-off seen with video viewers.

Around 68% of podcast listeners listen to an entire episode.

Want to reach a hyper-engaged, loyal following of adults that have the money to buy your products or services?

Then podcasting is the answer!

Podcasting creates a deeper connection with your audience

Here's why:

  • Podcasts can run from 15 minutes to over 3 hours - this gives your potential customers an unrivalled opportunity to spend time with your thoughts, your perspective and your insights.

  • A 15 minute video or a 1,500 word blog post can't hope to offer the same level of intimacy and connection a long-form podcast can.

  • The more time your audience spends with your content - the deeper their connection with you grows.

  • Spending hours listening to your voice and thoughts every month leads to a potential customer loving you (or hating you) - which is exactly what you want.

Content marketing and building an audience is like wrestling - it's better to be loved or hated than ignored.

If you want your audience to LOVE you and get deeply invested in your brand - start a podcast.

Podcasting reaches clients & customers you couldn't reach before

The crazy thing about business podcasts is you can reach a whole new audience you weren't tapping into before.

Podcast listeners in the UK report that:

  • 33% listen to shows while working or studying

  • 22% listen to shows while driving or travelling

  • 10% listen to shows while doing chores

These are all times when your potential customer isn't watching your videos or reading your posts.

But, with a podcast - you can reach your potential customer at all times of the day.

I even listen to podcast episodes while I'm going to sleep.

Imagine being able to reach your target audience for 99% of their day...

How much would you pay for that access?

The good news is:

Your business podcast gives you this access.

Your business podcast keeps you on the mind of potential customers.

Your business podcast keeps you in the ears of your target audience consistently.

And when your podcast listeners are ready to buy the services or products you offer - who do you think they'll turn to?

That's right - they'll come to the person they've been listening to for hours while they fold clothes, wash dishes, drive to work and try to sleep.

Get more out of your content by turning it into podcast episodes

One of the huge benefits of podcasting is how well it fits into your existing marketing strategy.

If you're already publishing high-quality content online - you can repurpose your content into new podcast episodes.

This increases the reach of your content marketing efforts and gives you an easy way to create a podcast episode.

For example:

You have 10 educational blog posts on your website teaching your audience how to find more clients as a photographer.

Guess what?

Those blog posts are now podcast scripts.

You record a podcast episode with your blog posts as an outline - and you add your deeper thoughts and insights on the subject.

Not only are you improving on your content by making it more dynamic and diving deeper into your experiences, advice and knowledge - you've also exposed your content to a whole new audience of listeners who don't read your blog.

When repurposing your content like this - start with your most popular content.

If it worked as blog post or a video - there's a high chance it'll work as a podcast episode.

However - content that relies on visuals (like a software tutorial using a recording of your computer screen) won't work as podcasts.


  • Strategies

  • Theories

  • Analysis

  • Q and As

And anything that doesn't need a visual representation to understand will translate to podcast episodes smoothly.

After you've covered your high-performing content - you can transform your old content into podcast episodes whenever you run out of podcast content ideas or want to expose a piece of content to a new audience.

Don't forget:

This content repurposing also works in reverse.

You can turn your podcast episodes into a blog post or video.

Make a habit of repurposing your content for multiple platforms and you'll never run out of high-quality content to publish.

Podcasting connects you with the movers & shakers in your industry

People like to feel important and interesting.

Asking to interview someone on your podcast makes them feel important and interesting.

People love to talk about their passions and achievements if given the opportunity.

This rings even truer if you're inviting people with a small - medium audience on your podcast.

Interviewing people with a similar sized audience to you is a win-win opportunity.

You get:

  • Access to their audience

  • Content for your podcast

  • An excuse to connect with someone in your industry

They get:

  • Access to your audience

  • An opportunity to talk about their exploits

  • To connect with someone in their industry who's genuinely curious about them

Having a podcast is a great excuse to talk to people who would've otherwise ignored your DMs.

However - only approach people you're genuinely curious about and want to talk to.

That genuine curiosity is how you create high-quality content and build real connections.

As your audience and podcast grows - you'll have opportunities to connect with even bigger and more well-known influencers, entrepreneurs and industry experts.

Podcasts can be low cost & easy to create

Your business podcast can be created for $0.

You already have the equipment you need if you have a phone.

Services like Anchor allow you to produce a podcast for free, using an app on your phone.

Of course - this is the bare minimum. You'll likely want to add more blls and whistles to your business podcast for some extra razzle dazzle.

However - you still don't need to break the bank.

A great quality podcast setup can be created for under £400:

  • Audacity (free)

  • Rode NT1A (£219)

  • Presonus Audiobox 24c (£114)

  • Tiger Boom Mic Stand (£23.99)

This setup is only for recording one person though - you another mic and stand for in-person interviews. But - this is perfect if you're recording interviews over zoom or producing solo podcast episodes.

You can lower your costs even more if you get a cheaper mic like a Blue Yeti (but I highly recommend the Rode NT1A for a high-quality, professional sound on a budget).

If you have the budget to work with - you can hire a podcast production agency [link to phonic contact or services] to do all the heavy lifting for you. All you'll have to do is show up and speak.

You don't need to be an audio engineer to record your business podcast yourself. Learning the basics of EQing, compression, adding tracks and deleting tracks is all you need to get up and running.

The only downside is:

You need to understand podcast marketing strategy to get your business podcast ranked in the iTunes charts and increase your organic reach.

And finally, for good measure, the good news is:

Starting a podcast doesn't need to be difficult or time-consuming.

We'll save you time and stress by producing your podcast for you...

  • From creating your podcast name

  • to recording your podcast's audio & video

  • to getting your podcast in front of listeners

But, that's not all:

98% of the 179+ podcasts we've launched have hit the top 100 Apple podcast charts - and the best part is...

We can do the same for you!

We'll use our experience and skills to handle all the boring, difficult podcasting stuff you don't have time for.

Focus on the fun of creating content your audience loves and leave the rest to us.

The Major Benefits of Podcasting

Why your business and brand needs a podcast

Why Video Is Reigning Supreme

The remarkable power of video is changing the game!

The Power of Community Building

How community building encourages engagement and advocacy

The Major Benefits of Podcasting

Why your business and brand needs a podcast

Why Video Is Reigning Supreme

The remarkable power of video is changing the game!

The Major Benefits of Podcasting

Why your business and brand needs a podcast

Why Video Is Reigning Supreme

The remarkable power of video is changing the game!

The Major Benefits of Podcasting

Why your business and brand needs a podcast

Why Video Is Reigning Supreme

The remarkable power of video is changing the game!

The Major Benefits of Podcasting

Why your business and brand needs a podcast

Why Video Is Reigning Supreme

The remarkable power of video is changing the game!