The Power of Community Building

 It seems that a lot of people fear building a community as they think it is going to be overwhelming.

Back when our founders started in media in 2006, if they had said that ‘every business and every person looking to be considered an expert needs to have a focus on organic content marketing’, they would have been laughed out the door. To be fair, if they had heard someone else saying this back then they would have laughed them out the door too! 

But, in 2023 (and beyond) to truly maximize the impact of content marketing efforts you need a brand-building strategy and ideally one that incorporates an element of community building as well. 

It seems that a lot of people fear building a community as they think it is going to be overwhelming, time-consuming and labour-intensive but, when it is done right, it creates a sense of belonging, encourages engagement, and cultivates brand advocacy… which ultimately drives sales.

Building a Sense of Belonging 

By integrating community building into organic content marketing strategies, businesses can create a space where their audience feels connected and valued. 

According to a study conducted by CMX, 86% of consumers reported feeling a stronger connection to a brand after participating in its community. When individuals feel a sense of belonging, they are more likely to engage with the brand and become advocates. 

In fact, research from the University of Michigan found that brand advocates are 50% more influential than the average customer. Thus, nurturing a community allows businesses to tap into the powerful network effect that occurs when loyal customers share their positive experiences with others.

Encouraging Engagement and Participation: 

A key benefit of community building in organic content marketing is the increased level of engagement it generates. According to a survey by Stackla, 79% of people say user-generated content influences their purchasing decisions. Read that stat again for the full power of the numbers to sink it! 

When businesses actively encourage their community to participate by sharing their thoughts, opinions, and experiences, it not only sparks engagement but also provides valuable social proof. Research by BrightLocal reveals that 88% of consumers trust online reviews and testimonials as much as personal recommendations. 

Cultivating Brand Advocacy: 

Brand advocates are passionate customers who promote and recommend a brand willingly. When you utilise and activate these advocates correctly they play a pivotal role in organic content marketing.  

A study conducted by Zuberance found that 92% of consumers trust recommendations from people they know, making word-of-mouth marketing a powerful tool. When businesses create a sense of community, they create an environment where brand advocates can thrive. 

These advocates not only help generate positive buzz about the brand but also become a reliable source of recommendations. In fact, a Nielsen study revealed that 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family over other forms of advertising. By nurturing brand advocates through community building, businesses can tap into the influential power of word-of-mouth marketing.

Driving Sales and Business Growth:

Ultimately, the primary goal of any marketing strategy is to drive sales and support business growth. Community building within organic content marketing contributes to this objective by creating a loyal and engaged customer base. According to a study by Convince & Convert, 53% of people who follow brands on social media are more loyal to those brands. Now you know that stat, are you treating 53% of your audience like royalty to your brand… because you should be! 

We know we have gone a bit ‘stat crazy’ in this blog but we wanted to tangibly prove and demonstrate the undeniable impact of community building on organic content marketing efforts. From digging through all this data is clear that an engaged audience plays a significant role in developing brand advocacy, which ultimately leads to increased sales and business growth.

To reap the maximum benefits of community building, businesses should focus on creating platforms where their audience can actively participate, share their experiences, and connect with like-minded individuals. Social media platforms, online forums, and dedicated community spaces are effective avenues for amplifying engagement and building a sense of community. 

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The Power of Community Building

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The Major Benefits of Podcasting

Why your business and brand needs a podcast

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The remarkable power of video is changing the game!

The Major Benefits of Podcasting

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Why Video Is Reigning Supreme

The remarkable power of video is changing the game!